Frequently Asked Questions
1. What exactly is bio-resonance, bio-field information, quantum medicine, radionics, etc.?
According to the discovery of quantum physics in the last century, all materials carry a kind of flowing energy (Known as “Qi” in Chinese), which can determine its nature and state. The above-listed science and technologies are bio-diagnosis and conditioning methods designed using modern knowledge in physics, new advanced technologies, as well as the infinite possibilities of quantum physics.
2. Are bio-resonance, bio-field information, quantum medicine, radionics, etc. scientifically valid?
Yes. The above concepts are based upon the 20th century foundations of medicine, combined with human consciousness to deliberately access a high level of consciousness and ideas. The concept of using energy and resonance frequencies to influence the nature and state of objects (clients' conditions) is supported by famous scientists, psychologists, and physicists, such as: Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, Carl Jung, Wolfgang E. Pauli, Burkhard Heim, and others. At the same time, the theory behind this science is directly related to Einstein's theory of relativity.
In other words, these natural/alternative therapies use extraordinary advanced German instruments integrating human consciousness. Starting with identifying the root cause of various symptoms, the interface of the instrument is used to send healing on an informational level to specific people or objects, affecting and changing the relevant magnetic fields to achieve balance and optimization for your body, mind, spirit, heart, qi, and divine energies.
Although professionals who support this approach have many successful clinical results, orthodox science and medicine do not recognize the existence of Information Fields, their medical importance, and applications as listed because of a lack of scientific evidence in accordance with conventional medicine standards.
3. Are these natural remedies suitable for disease treatment?
No. The natural remedies we provide do not treat diseases. They help the body find the source (root cause) of its symptoms and reduce or even stop its impact on the body so that the body frequencies balance, optimize, and restore its own regulation, healing power, health, and life force.
4. Are these natural remedies excessively dependent on advanced equipment?
No. Throughout the process, the most critical components are the client and the therapist's “aim”: the awareness formed by attention, intention, and modification, followed by the applied equipment's system or instrument's function. Thus, even if you use the same instrument with a different “aim”, the analysis results can drastically differ.
In simple terms, the frequencies of the vibrations emitted by the client or object being analyzed are linked to the database stored in the advanced analyzer, and then vibrational frequencies with the intention to achieve healing and balance are transmitted to the client.
Just as the German philosopher Gotthard Günther (1900-1984) wrote in his book The Consciousness of the Machines, objects and consciousness are not opposite poles of the dual world but are interdependent. To use these advanced technologies to achieve a full and balanced integration of the human body and facilitate a degree of freedom and independence during the operation, our consciousness is fully injected into the instrument, and the consciousness reflected and analyzed by the advanced instruments will interact with and insulate the consultant's ego. Therefore, the consultant and the instrument are mutually influencing and collaborating.
5. After our consultation and analysis, are there other supporting services?
Yes. After your consultation and analysis, we will give professional advice on natural remedies, such as therapeutic grade essential oils, music therapy, natural supplements, and other energy healing services for clients to choose from in order to obtain the most optimization.
6. Are there any side effects in doing these analyses or physical optimization?
No. But there is a potential where clients might feel relaxed, sleepy, full of vitality, uplifted, or thirsty during or after our sessions.
Because our sessions are non-invasive, they are very safe and should not lead to any side effects that are hazardous to your health. However, in some cases, clients may experience detox reactions such as transient head swelling and rashes.
7. Are children, pregnant women, and other vulnerable people suitable for these analyses and optimizations?
Due to its non-invasive, painless, and relatively safe nature, it is suitable for almost anyone from newborns to the elderly.
Testing and optimization is also suitable for pregnant women. If you have any doubts, feel free to contact us or seek advice from professional health practitioners.
8. Is this type of optimization limited to human applications?
No. These optimized applications have a wide range of applications in other areas, including: horticulture, farming, forestry, commerce, animals, etc. Macro Bishop pointed out that the United States agriculture department also used these technologies for a sustainable agricultural project called ATTRA in the 1990s.
9. How should I prepare for analysis or optimization?
We recommend avoiding coffee or alcoholic drinks for six hours before and after your session.
10. How often do I need to get tuning sessions in order to achieve healing-level optimization?
The results differ based on your body's responses and needs. If it is for general maintenance, we recommend that it be done once every two weeks. However, if the situation is more complex and the body has more imbalances and symptoms, we suggest you do it once a week at the beginning. Clients with more serious conditions might need to be tuned every other day.
If you are following our recommendations, it is expected that your body can be optimized and balanced within three months. In that case, you can choose to stop the process. Unless you want to continue to optimize your health with us!
11. Why do some instruments perform remote analysis?
The principle of application for bio-field information, quantum medicine, and radionics is beyond the three-dimensional space that human beings come into contact with.
According to different scientists (i.e. German physicist Burkhard Heim), there are 12 multidimensional spaces in the universe. Although humans are not exposed to this hyperspace at the level of knowledge, they cannot reject the importance of multidimensional space activities. The activities in multidimensional space affect the reality of the objects we see through time. Time conveys information from the higher dimension to the visible and tangible world. The advanced instruments listed above pass through time waves. Time waves and elementary particles (photons, gravitons, etc.) come into contact with information in a multidimensional space and reflect the conscious and subconscious using white noise. Since the key to the whole process is the interaction between the user's intention and the vibrations generated, the client or the object being analyzed can be off-site and analyzed remotely.